Investment Management LLP
Horizon3 is an award winning established investment manager with a uniquely differentiated strategy designed to deliver uncorrelated alpha.

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Horizon3 is an investment manager based in London, UK. We manage investments in commodities, financial futures, foreign exchange markets, Bonds and Repos.
We use scientific and engineering methodologies and mathematical techniques to trade the markets using automated trading systems.
We also use arbitrage techniques to trade US Treasuries and Repos.
We have clients globally which include institutions, family offices, high net worth individuals and pension funds. We have helped clients manage their risk and diversify their portfolios.

Experience counts
Markets traded
Years experience
Year track record
How can we help?
The world is changing; inflation, interest rates, volatility, climate change, war, political instability. What can you do reduce risk in your portfolio? Find out more in the video below.
What we do
Horizon3 is a systematic investment manager where the founders have over 30 years of industry experience.

The Firm
The founders have a long established track record in institutional fund management with over 30 years experience in the industry.
Our main fund has a 20 year track record. Horizon3 Investment Management LLP was established in 2005. Its founders have managed billion dollar funds and have had many decades experience in managing institutional assets.
The firm’s clients over the years have included pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, fund of funds, wealth management advisors and high net worth individuals. Clients are from around the globe including the USA, Switzerland, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Investment Approach
The strategy is the result of many years of trading experience, research and development by the Horizon3 research team and includes many innovative features that are unique to Horizon3 in the quantitative space.
The strategy is a hybrid approach based on the core quantitative model with a discretionary overlay.
The Horizon3 Program utilises proprietary strategies for the identification of movement in market prices based on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques and Pattern Recognition.
New: We also trade a Term Treasury Repo strategy.

The research team has many years of research and development expertise in the managed futures industry. Our team employs a disciplined research process which follows scientific method.
The strategy includes many unique and innovative features, taking ideas from many different branches of science and engineering. All elements of the strategy are backed by rigorous and extensive testing that show consistency over many time frames and environments.

Want to know more?
If you’re a qualified professional investor you can request a fact sheet or just get in touch for a chat. We’re always happy to talk about the markets with fellow professionals.
Investment Management LLP
Horizon3 Investment Management LLP is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdon by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 403434) and in the US by National Futures Association (0354192).
UK registered company no. OC308135.